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Learn & Love Your Body

Discover how to listen to your body and get the best from every yoga posture

How do you feel about your body?

What do say about your body?  Do you find yourself saying you have a 'bad' knee, or thinking to yourself that your body is 'broken'


Do you moan at your body for not being able to do all the things you want to be able to to?  For not being able to do what others can do?  


Do you find yourself unknowingly doing things that are damaging to your body eg. slouching at a computer, hunching your shoulders, clenching your jaw?


Do you push your body as hard as you can in every activity, no matter how much it aches or hurts?


It's vitally important for our wellbeing to have a healthy connection between our mind and body.  But many of us give our bodies such a hard time, or simply ignore our bodies and pretend they're not there!  This makes us more vulnerable to injuries and illnesses, and can lead to a downward spiral of negativity between mind and body. 

Yoga is a valuable tool to help create a kinder, deeper and more loving relationship with our body and I'd love to share it with you.  I want to show you that it's not about making the perfect shapes, it's about learning to listen to, care for and love your body exactly the way it is in each and every moment of your practice.  


By bringing more awareness to your body this term, you will have an early warning system for any physical and emotional challenges showing up in your life, and can use your body in yoga to help you work through these difficulties with more ease.


And as you learn to love your body, you may start to love yourself a little more too!

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Understand & nurture your body

  • Learn the basic foundations of a physical yoga practice (Asana) so you can get the most benefit from each position


  • Learn the guiding principles of the main types of yoga postures, and how these can be used to adapt each position to suit you


  • Develop a greater understanding of your own body and it's wonderful uniqueness, so you can choose options that nourish and support your body


  • Discover a more loving relationship with your body as you learn all the amazing things you CAN do in yoga


  • Create a stronger mind-body connection, learning to listen to your body and use the messages it sends you to guide your practice and your everyday life​​


  • Discover how creating space, ease, comfort and freedom in your body, can help you find space, ease, comfort and freedom in your life  


  • Share this journey with a friendly community who face similar challenges


  • Receive personal support in a small group where you can ask me questions and discuss any challenges​​​​

What will you learn?

In this six week journey I'll introduce you to a different set of guiding principles for physical yoga (asana) each week: 


Week 1: Foundations: Lower body

Where should we put our feet, legs, knees & hips in yoga and why does it matter?


Week 2: Foundations: Upper body

Where should we put our hands & arms in yoga and why does it matter?


Week 3: Forward folds

What's the difference between lengthening and curving our spine? What is the 'edge' in yoga?  


​Week 4: Backbends

How can we create space and ease in our backbends?


Week 5: The midline

How can we find more strength and stability using our imagination?​


Week 6: Root to rise

How can we create lightness and ease in our movements?​


​Each week we will also explore pranayama (breathing) and meditation to bring greater awareness of your body and build your mind-body connection.


Can't wait to get started?

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How much for a loving relationship with your body?

Here's what you'll get when you join Learn & Love Your Body today:


  • 6 x 75 minute yoga classes to learn the guiding principles of physical yoga​ and develop your mind-body connection


  • A spacious venue in a central location with free parking​​

    • OR​

  • Practice in the comfort and privacy of your own home (online class)​


  • If you miss a class, catch up with the online class recording or join an alternative class (same week or different week)


  • Personal support, guidance and encouragement from me


  • A friendly community of yoga students


All this for:

  • £12 per session - Standard price

  • £14 per session - Supporter price - give back to your community

  • £10 per session - Community price - experiencing financial hardship


Community Supported pricing makes classes more accessible if you're experiencing financial hardship, and enables those with greater financial resources the opportunity to give back to your yoga community.


Click here for more information and guidance on choosing the price that suits your circumstances.


Do I have to commit to a whole term?


My students experience much greater changes to their mind and body, and find their yoga practice more satisfying, when they commit to a regular practice and complete the full term theme.  That's why I ask you to book a term in advance and give you options to make up for any classes you miss.  


Term bookings enable me to get to know my students and how I can support you better, and make the most of the limited spaces I have available in each class.


Ready to join us?

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It's decision time!

"Take care of your body.  It's the only place you have to live."

— Jim Rohn


So what's it to be?


Are you going to keep giving your body a hard time, pretending it's not there, and suffering with the aches, pains, injuries and illnesses that keep showing up?


Or are you ready to create a kinder, deeper, more loving relationship with your body and yourself? 


We start Learn & Love Your Body on:​

  • Monday 13 January 6pm Online

  • Tuesday 14 January 5.30pm & 7pm Radyr

  • Wednesday 15 January 6.40pm Llandaff - LAST FEW SPACES!

  • Friday 17 January 10am Danescourt - LAST FEW SPACES! 


Bookings will close 3 days before the first class of term so if you'd like to be part of this journey, save your space today:

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