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 Yoga for Movement Challenges Workshop

Discover the incredible range of options to make yoga work for your unique body

Is your movement challenge holding you back?

I know that one of the main reasons people stop doing yoga, or are reluctant to come back to yoga, is because they feel they can't do the postures any more.  


But there are SO many different ways we can adapt the postures so that you can do them no matter what movement challenges you have, and this is what I'll share in this workshop.  


Did you know that most postures can be done sitting down, standing up or lying down?


Did you know you can use a chair or wall for support with most postures?


I want to empower you with this knowledge, so that no matter which yoga class you're attending, you know how to adapt the postures to suit you, so you don't need to feel held back by your movement challenges any more!​​​

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Discover the best options for you!


  • Discover how every yoga posture (asana) can be approached in different ways so there will always be an option that works for you!


  • Play & experiment with lots of different options for yoga postures, to find the ones that suit your body best


  • Learn how to use props to support you and get the best from each posture, including blocks, strap, chair and wall​​​


  • Join a friendly group of students who ALL have movement challenges, so we can share our experiences and learn together​​


  • Receive personal support, guidance and encouragement from me in this small group, where you can ask questions and discuss your individual challenges!


  • Finish the workshop knowing you understand how to adapt yoga to suit your movement challenges, and can attend any yoga class with confidence​​​

What will you learn?

In this two hour workshop I'll show you how ALL yoga postures can be adapted to work around your movement challenges.​​​​

1. Making use of props


Learn how to use props for support, to make each posture more manageable, comfortable and beneficial


2. Adapting physical postures - Asana


Discover all the different ways to approach each physical posture, so you get all the benefits but without any of the struggles!


3. Adapting sequences - Sun Salutation


Learn how to adapt the most popular sequence used in yoga to avoid common challenges (eg. kneeling and getting up and down off the floor)


​4. Playtime and Connection


Have fun trying out all the different options, with time to chat to your fellow students so you can learn from and support each other!


Can't wait to get started?

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Frequently Asked Questions

​What is a movement challenge?​​


  • Anything that makes your movement challenging in any way

  • It could affect one part of your body or your whole body

  • It could be temporary or permanent

  • It could be a challenge you were born with or a challenge that developed over time as you got older


A movement challenge could be caused by a:

  • Injury

  • Health condition

  • Illness

  • Disability

  • The way your unique body was created and grew!​​


No matter how big or small your movement challenge is I have options to help you get the best from your yoga practice.


Is this workshop suitable for complete beginners?


Yes you are welcome to join us if you have never done yoga before.  The workshop is NOT designed as an introduction to yoga, and you will be amongst students who already practise yoga, but if you want to learn how to adapt yoga to suit your movement challenges before you join a regular class this is a great place to start!


Can't wait to get started?

What do my students with movement challenges say?

"I can't recommend Yoga with Anna enough. 


I've been to multiple classes where I felt inadequate, embarrassed and self-conscious especially with the injuries I had. 


Anna made me feel relaxed and comfortable immediately and I love that she gives me alternatives for poses without putting me on the spot."

- Kourtnie Perry 


"I'm one of those at Anna's class limited by chronic pain (PMR) and as well as the physical pain and stiffness, I tend to identify with what I can't do and feel sad at the loss of the flexible person I used to be.


Somehow, Anna's inclusive, encouraging and beautifully creative style of offering yoga has softened my bodily and emotional rigidity and I am finding pathways through blocks in myself into my own personal range of movement - which is far wider than I realised.


I am learning to be myself as I am now and that's freeing me to be a loving, encouraging companion to myself. I end each class with a goofy smile on my face and a deep gratitude that my path has crossed with the unique Anna Banana Yoga at this stage in my life."

- Angela Packer


"I was a little nervous when I started the course as I’m 64, overweight and have a spinal injury, I didn’t think I would be as proficient compared to the rest of the class, but I completely underestimated my ability. 


Anna’s warm and friendly approach is absolutely fantastic, Anna gives her students praise, reassurance and encouragement with some welcome humour that lightens the mood when we find a pose challenging.


If you think you can’t participate in a Yoga class or feel self conscious or even feel embarrassed, don’t be !

It’s a lovely class that’s non judgmental.


If I can participate in a Yoga class, anyone can, It’s not as difficult as you think.  Give it a go."

​- Robert Adomaitis


Sound good?  Come and join us!

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How much?

Choose the price that suits your circumstances

Here's what you'll get when you join my Yoga for Movement Challenges Workshop today:


  • A two hour yoga session â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


  • Use of yoga blocks & straps to make positions more comfortable 


  • A spacious venue in a central location with free parking​​


  • Personal support, guidance and encouragement from me


  • A friendly community of yoga students with movement challenges to share this experience


You get all this for:


  • £25 - Standard price

  • £30 - Supporter price - give back to your community

  • £20 - Community price - experiencing financial hardship


Community Supported pricing makes my yoga classes more accessible if you're experiencing financial hardship, and enables those with greater financial resources the opportunity to give back to your yoga community.


Click here for more information and guidance on choosing the price that suits your circumstances.

It's decision time!

So what's it to be?


Will you give up on yoga because of your movement challenges?  Or never even give it a try because you think you can't do it?


Or are you ready to learn a different way to practice yoga?  To see how yoga can not only work around your movement challenges, but also support you with your movement challenges!  So you can make the most of ALL the physical, mental and spiritual benefits that this incredible practice has to offer.


Join our workshop on:​

  • Saturday 15 February 10am-12pm - New School Rooms - Christ Church Radyr


Spaces are limited to make sure I can give you personal guidance and support, and this is the only time I'll be running this workshop in 2025!


So if you don't want to be held back by your movement challenges any more, save your space today:

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